############### LET's SETUP ############### 1. create database. lets name it landchase 2. copy .env.example as .env 3. moidify .env for database connection strings. and then run following command from project dirctory console > composer install > composer dump-autoload 4. generate key > php artisan key:generate 5. Create database tables : run following command from project dirctory console > php artisan migrate 6. Sample Data : run following command from project dirctory console run following command from project dirctory. > php artisan db:seed 7. Run the service php -S localhost:8001 -t public 8. Run following command from public folder. 8.1 For windows > php artisan storage:link 8.2 For Linux > php artisan storage:link 9. setup scheduler php artisan schedule:run 10. run command for queue php artisan queue:work 11. run php development service php artisan service ############### HURRAH WE DID IT ############### ############### Extra Setup : Start ############### 1. How to resolve WAMPP SSL Certificate 1.1 Copy setup/cert folder at D: 1.2 modify php.ini and point path to certifcate path curl.cainfo=D:\cert\cacert.pem ############### Extra Setup : End ############### pm2 start 'node index.js > output.log' --name 'Society Chat Server (Port:3002)'